2012-04-29 - Lake Needwood Loop


~2.6 miles @ ~15 min/mi

"It's all about the trackfile!" I remind Robin and Caren Jew this afternoon as we circumnavigate Lake Needwood, sticking to trails rather than following the road along the eastern side. Caren is recovering from strep throat and bronchitis, so we take our time, walk the hills, and avoid tripping on roots. Poison ivy clings to trees and looms close to the narrow path. Two big geese honk at us. A rusty-cranked pedal boat squeaks along the water. This is the first weekend that kayaks, canoes, etc. are available for rent, according to the County park service. At the boathouse we see that pedal boats go for $6 per half hour; canoes, rowboats, and kayaks are $8/hour. The iPhone GPS trackfile says we cover 2.67 miles; Robin's different app agrees within a percent or two.

^z - 2012-05-13